• What I thought I would gain by losing weight?

    Has dieting ever brought anything significantly good for you in the long haul? If diets worked, then why are people every year on a diet? I think that for most people dieting was supposed to bring: 1/ More control around food- not really sure, soon enough in every diet we start feeling less and less […]

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  • Mama work it podcast

    I had the honor to appear on Marisa’s Mama work it podcast and talk about body image on a more global level among other things. Here’s what you’ll get out of today’s episode: How psychology and eating go hand in hand and how it can totally sabotage your ability to lose weight How society is […]

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  • Lose weight to gain control podcast

    My new podcast episode is out on the Losing weight to gain control podcast! Here is the link below: https://www.facebook.com/853230938068879/posts/4266801020045170/ https://losingweighttogaincontrol.libsyn.com/132-using-psychology-to-accomplish-your-health-goals I had an amazing time and talked a lot about the mindset around weight loss and in this particular clip I emphasis the importance of choosing a diet plan you can follow for the […]

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  • Are you bloated?

    We all get bloated from time to time and in this article I will set up the main reasons why you might be bloated and what you can do about it. Here are several reasons why you might be bloated in the first place: You don’t do number 2 in the toilet often enough You […]

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  • How can you measure your progress with your relationship with food and your body?

    How to measure progress that is not necessarily a number? Here are several ways how to celebrate having a more healthy relationship with food and your body: Having meals with your friends and family without knowing how they made it- not counting calories, macros and zero interest in how many ingredients are in the dish […]

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  • Why I can’t stop eating if I am NOT hungry?

    There are several reasons why you can’t stop eating even though you don’t physically feel hungry. Many people eat although they are not hungry and they are not sure why. Usually it is the mindset that is holding them from achieving food freedom and intuitive eating. If you want to discover the reasons, read the […]

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  • Your kid has gained weight. Now what?

    Children learn and copy a lot from their parents including among other things how to love, respect and treat their bodies. However, even with all the good intentions sometimes as parents we say the wrong things. We don’t mean to, but we do. Unfortunately, those messages can be misunderstood and can leave a mark for […]

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