• Simple tools to end emotional and binge eating

    Here are simple tools to end binge and emotional eating: 1. Make sure you are eating enough throughout the day (most of the binging is happening at night due to severe restrictions during the day) 2. Don’t ban your favourite foods (make a mental list of all the foods you would like to eat and […]

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  • Is your new body triggering you?

    Photos/ mirrors can be very triggering especially during your recovery phase.Your body may have changed and you may be seeing a shape in the mirror that you have been avoiding for a while. You were hiding although aware that you don’t fit into your old clothes any more. What happens when you dare to have […]

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  • Emotions and weight gain

    Let’s get right into it. Shame after weight gain I have felt it, you have felt it, it’s pretty common especially after you give in and see the changes on your body for the first time. As a dieter you are so used to being in control over your body and the shame you feel […]

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  • How I dealt with my weight gain?

    How I worked through my fear of gaining weight while healing my relationship with food (Personal reference: I went from 54kg to 63-64kg and stayed at this comfortable weight for the last 10 years). 1. I had to admit I was fat phobic I understood that I was conditioned to praise thin bodies as well […]

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  • Hard truths!

    Unpopular opinions but I am going in there: 1. Not everyone eating a salad is on a diet. Diet culture robbed us of normal foods as “diet foods” (think chicken, salmon, broccoli, rice, vegetables…) so whenever we see someone eating healthy the first assumption is that they are either trying actively to lose weight or […]

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  • Are your healthy meals triggering you into a binge?

    Why having unsatisfying meals as an emotional eater can be a trigger? When we are thinking about food and eating, the first thought is pleasure and the idea of feeling different than the way we felt before we ate. We are expecting a different experience. If you are an emotional eater and you are trying […]

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  • Are your beliefs driving you to binge?

    Do you get upset or feel guilty if you eat something “off plan”? Do you beat yourself up with guilt, shame and sentences like:” Why I can’t have more control, more willpower to not eat these foods?” Even if you were a robot, which you aren’t, you can’t rely on motivation or willpower to help […]

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  • Can you heal your relationship with food and lose weight?

    Healing from emotional and binge eating is tough if you are focusing on weight loss. Why? 1. If you are focusing on weight loss, you will try to do all the right things to get to the goal. Everything becomes about reaching that goal. This behaviour however (just like any diet) doesn’t help you to […]

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  • How others affect your healing journey?

    When you are healing your relationship with food, trying to listen to your body, end emotional eating you will have confrontations with people around you. Some won’t get it and will think you are “fine”. Some will think it’s another “phase” and won’t believe it until they see the real change in you. On the […]

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  • Plan your meals if you want to avoid a binge

    When you are trying to end emotional eating, I firmly believe in order to avoid a binge you need to include all your favourite meals in your daily life. Otherwise, the binge on those particular foods is just waiting for your moment of weakness. If you don’t plan your meals + treats you will always […]

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