• How I Helped Jean End Emotional and Binge Eating AND Lose 12 Kg in 4 months!

    After 50 years of dieting and restricting, bingeing and underrating and many diet programs, Jean was determined to end emotional and binge eating for good with a different approach. She has been 6 months in the Balanced Program and achieved what she thought impossible: I am sharing with you the exact steps how I helped […]

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  • Trigger Foods In the House Now What?

    Do you fear trigger foods? Are you worried you will lose control the moment you start eating your favourite cookies or biscuits? The night will be ruined and another day will pass with a binge. Is it really an option to avoid trigger foods at all cost? Is ti doable? Is it realistic? I don’t […]

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  • Losing control over food?

    Do you feel you are good on certain days and then others it feels like all you think about is FOOD. Food is on your mind 24/7/. You can’t think of anything else but what you will eat next. The moment you get to eat, you can’t stop, it almost feels like you are possessed. […]

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  • Bingeing or overeating?

    Do you know the difference? Do you know when you just had too much food or when you classify as a binge eater? What are the signs, symptoms, behaviours of a binge eater vs an overeater? Want to know how to spot the difference? Check out my video at this link!

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  • Why is dieting wrong for emotional eaters?

    I have tried 1000000 diets before I realised that dieting just doesn’t work if you are an emotional and binge eater. Diets can make you lose weight but if you don’t change your mindset around food as well as learn how to manage your emotions without going to the pantry or the fridge searching for […]

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  • Guilty after eating off plan?

    In my new Youtube video I cover what to do with the guilty if you have decided to have some food off your diet plan? This is a good one since feeling guilty is one of the primary emotions we feel when we mess up. The issue is here that we can’t live with guilt. […]

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  • Interview with Victoria!

    Hey guys! I am adding a section on my Youtube channel where I will be speaking once a month at least with someone from the health industry that I admire, respect and want to chat with. It’s not scripted by any means, we are just going in! Check out my video with Victoria where we […]

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  • Is the scale making you binge?

    If you have an unhealthy relationship with the scale and you can clearly see that the number you see dictates how you will feel, what you will eat and how much you will exercise you need to check out this video: Is the Scale Making You Binge on MY YOUTUBE channel! Check out this link!

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  • Can parents influence your binge eating?

    Parents can have a significant influence on the development of binge eating behaviors in their children. Here are some ways in which parents can impact their child’s relationship with food and the potential development of binge eating: Modeling behavior: Children often learn through observation, so parents who have unhealthy relationships with food or engage in […]

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  • “Sit with your feelings” approach

    Practicing sitting with your feelings involves cultivating mindfulness and developing awareness of your emotions. We often say :’ Sit with your feelings, don’t eat them if you want to end emotional and binge eating”.Here are some strategies to help you practice this approach: 1. Recognise and label your emotions: Start by becoming aware of your […]

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